Destination Unknown is a perfect book for those going through an 'identity crisis' because it is about a girl who goes through one and how God, friends, and family can all help you with it if you are willing to reach out to them.
Whitney and Taylor were good characters all around, but my favorite character was easily Emily. I adored all the talk about books though. (hello, book obsessed!)
There was only one problem I had with the story. All through out the book it was very real with the situations the characters were put in, the drama that developed, the relationships as they changed. However, the end was tied up like a neat little package.
I am all for happy endings, but this was just too perfect. It made all the real stuff seem pointless to have it end perfectly. Nothing in life is ever that perfect. I don't know I guess I was just expecting something different with how it ended.
Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot and give it a solid 3 1/2 stars. If the ending hadn't been so neatly tied together it would have gotten a higher rating from me. Teens will definitely like this book though.