Saturday, December 19, 2015

Review of 'The Painter's Daughter' by Julie Klassen

Thank you to Bethany House for my copy of Julie Klassen's latest work - The Painter's Daughter - in exchange for my honest review.

Let me start with the cover of the book -

While I think the model is a good fit for the way Sophie is described - I pictured someone more frail as I read (by that I mean very skinny and short). The dress the model is wearing is beautiful, but seeing the other covers that Julie Klassen has for her books - this really doesn't surprise me much. :)

And now my review -

The Painter's Daughter is filled with drama, mystery, and romance that will have any lady who enjoys books along the line of Pride and Prejudice swooning. It is a book that keeps you on your toes with some twists and turns you wouldn't expect in the plot. This is a good thing because then the book doesn't become boring to read. Some of the twists I managed to guess (this might be only because I am a writer also), and some that I didn't even think of putting together. There were a few instances I would have done a different twist if it had been my story - but that just makes it all the more fun.

This was my first Julie Klassen book ever and I am pleased to say it will not be my last. The way Julie writes weaves together a beautiful story that fills the pages and the reader's imagination long after the book is put down. I can say that I thought of Captain Overtree, Sophie, and Wesley off and on whenever I had to put the book down.

Now, I do have to be honest - I almost gave up with the book after the first two chapters. Why? Because I can't stand weak female characters and Sophie reminded me of one the way she feared the Captain. It got to be a bit annoying - but I am happy to say that Sophie's character grew stronger as the story went on. I don't want to give anything away, but I was quite pleased with Sophie at the end of the story.

All in all, this book is one of the best I have read in a while. Julie Klassen may be one of my all-time favorite authors - which if you know me and how much I read, this is a hard thing to achieve.

Opinions of the characters:

Captain Overtree - I loved him the moment he stepped onto the scene (probably why I disliked Sophie so much at first...) He is exactly my type: strong, brooding, sarcastic, and secretly romantic - Mr. Darcy, anyone? ;) Speaking of Darcy, I had some friends attend Julie's book banter held on Facebook and one commented on the photos of the people Julie had used for inspiration. To my surprise and happiness, the one she picked for Stephen was indeed Darcy from Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley.

Wesley Overtree - What can I say about him? He is the reason Sophie is in the situation she is in the first place. He is a free-spirit type that goes wherever the wind blows him. Not my type of guy and honestly, though he gets better as the book goes on - I wanted him to just go away.

Sophie - At first, I hated her. She seemed so weak and fragile. But then, she grew and developed into one of my favorite characters by the end.

Keith - I liked him a lot. Yes, he had his issues - but you could see he had a heart of gold.

Miss Blake - Eh. She seemed rather bland. The only times I really liked her was when she was around Keith.

Captain Overtree and Wesley's Grandfather - I loved him! He was so cute and funny. Definitely made me smile whenever he was mentioned.

Kate - I enjoyed her personality. Julie pinpointed a young girl perfectly and made me giggle with her comments about the book that Kate was reading.

Winny - Honestly, she was a bit weird. I am neither here nor there on her character. The moments with the cat were probably my favorite with her.

Overall -

This book is amazing! If you find you are like me and want to put it down within the first couple chapters, you owe it to yourself to keep reading because it turns into an amazing story! Honestly, one of my favorites ever! Here is the link to buy a copy from Amazon -