Monday, June 16, 2014

Review of 'Five Glass Slippers'

I had the chance to read an early copy of 'Five Glass Slippers' and was quite pleasantly surprised at how the five authors were able to take the traditional story of Cinderella and transform it into five very different stories!

Now, I won't lie - I love me some Cinderella stories in the classic sense, so when I heard they were taking the story and twisting it to make new types of plots I wasn't too sure about it. However, all around I am very impressed with each authors take on the storyline!

However, I am going to do a small review for each of the stories and exactly what I think of it. There are a few spoilers so if you don't want to read them, please quit reading now.


What Eyes Can See:

The way it was written was great and the characters come across as very real. I do wish I knew more about Alfie and why she fell so in love with him because it seemed to come a bit from left field. Somehow I knew what was going to happen as far as the Prince was concerned before I even began reading, however this didn't pull away from my enjoyment of the story.

My biggest issue with it was the ending and how it just stopped. There was no kiss, no 'yes!' to his proposal, no anything other than just a cutoff ending. It was a wonderful ending don't get me wrong, but I wish it seemed more complete.

Broken Glass:

The characters were amazing! I truly felt like I grew to know them even though it was a 'short story'. The author wrote an amazing story all around, however I won't lie a few things did bug me.

There were too many uses of the characters' names. As a writer, you don't have to always say - 'David said this' (no, there is no David in the story - it is just used as an example) or 'Hannah laughed sarcastically while answering him' (again another example). You can use he or she or they. Now if there is a lot of characters talking in a scene, this is okay to do - using the characters' names - but if it the same two characters talking to each other, there is no reason to use their names over and over again.

Another issue I had was that it was rather predictable with who fell for who and when, however, predictable is not always bad as long as you do the story correctly and this author did! The characters were easily my favorite in this story out of all five.

Also, I LOVED the way she tied Beauty and the Beast into the ending - AWESOME! Wish I could read her take on B&B.


This story was very well written with a wonderful use of vocabulary, but it was strange - I just couldn't get into it. The romance felt too rushed, and Pigeon is a very weird nickname. It had quite a cute ending though. Also, the characters were fairly well crafted.


First reaction - oh, it is time to tune out. (sorry, I am just not a big sy-fy fan!) However, I did grow to like it in a weird way and for that I have to blame the adorable characters! I didn't really care for the main character, but Jaq and Gus and Bruno were wonderful and very funny! Marriane is super adorable also and the clones were hysterical (like I really really liked them!)

Out of all the stories, this is my favorite line - “I have a very trustworthy face; people tell me things.” It reminded me of my sister. This story had an adorable ending also! While not exactly my type of story, the characters are simply charming. If you are a sy-fy fan and a cinderella fan, you will LOVE this story!


For the first few chapters, I was pretty bored (sorry, but it is true!) - it is not that it was not a good story or well written because it was both, BUT it was missing something to make it hook me. Rather lackluster. A really good thing is that I was NOT able to figure this story out unlike some of the others. It finally caught my attention around chapter six.
Mrs. Gregson was easily my favorite character from this story because she has spunk and spunk is a good thing in a character (at least in my opinion).
I loved the way she made the slippers sound so very lovely instead of 'glass slippers'. Tilly's character irritated me! She was scared more times than not and then when she wasn't scared she was rude! Granted the ending made her learn not to be so rude, but still... she bugged me (sorry, I am not trying to be too harsh.)
The story was good and most people will really like it - I guess it was just not for me. Sorry!

All in all, I really enjoyed this book collection and thought they each did a great job in their own unique way. I give it a solid four stars out of five because while I really liked it, I didn't love it.

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