Saturday, March 26, 2016

Review of 'Dressed for Death' by Julianna Deering

Thank you to Bethany House for my copy in exchange for my honest review. 

As much as I try to convince myself that I don't have favorite authors, I know this just isn't true.

Reason I say this? I LOVE Julianna's books. 

She has become one of my very favorite all-time authors. The characters she creates are so alive and wonderful that I feel sad when the story comes to an end. Because of my love for Drew, Nick, and the others I have gotten my mother and sister into the series. I plan to work on my father eventually as well as my other friends and some family. Julianna is very talented and inspires me to continue to keep going with my own writing even when at times I feel like giving up. 

Another reason I adore her books is because she always manages to surprise me. I am not one who is typically surprised by mysteries, but each time Julianna does it. The first book in the series I was completely wrong, the second one I kinda suspected but doubted it was that character, the third I was sort of right, and the fourth... well...

With the fourth book in the series 'Dressed for Death' I was left a bit speechless. I had figured one part of it out about half-way into the story and was almost yelling at the book what was going on (ha-ha), but the person I suspected turned out to not be who it was. Granted I figured out who it was a few chapters before the end - which is an improvement over how I have done for the last three - but it is still a delightfully frustrating thing for me because I can usually spot the culprit pretty fast (if not right away). 

The characters were still just as wonderful and alive as ever, and the fact that she opened the story with a grand collection of Jane Austen references made me love it as soon as I read the first chapter.

It was wonderful to have Carrie and her brother show up in the story as well. 

There were moments when I cried, moments when I laughed, and moments when I was so stunned I had to put the book down for a bit. 

All in all, I can only say really one thing and that is - Julianna Deering has done it again! Five stars and a wonderful spot on my shelf with the other three. 

To buy a copy -

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